Friday, October 12, 2012

New website coming soon for AUSSIE AUTHORS to post their books free

Friday, October 5, 2012

Now The Purifier is available on I-Pad.
Simply download from Amazon using Apple's Kindle App.
Introductory offer only $5.95.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Writing and reading at the same time are difficult things to achieve. The more I read the less I write.  I just get a sore head! Especially as I am trying to promote the first two books at the same time.
My first two novels are on Amzon, The Purifier and Pure Greed.
But the third is largely in my head. Pure Blood. I have scrapped 40,000 words twice now, because it has to be a perfect ending to the trilogy. And it’s the big one. Probably 120,000 words. I know where it starts and where it ends. Getting from A to B is the challenge.
And the deadline is pre Christmas. Exciting times.

I am reading Armies of Heaven, Jay Rubenstein. The First Crusade. 1097. 
This has to be the source for all quests to find the holy grail, not to mention every book and movie about good versus evil. Not only that they also had the names that make for great reading, for example Peter the Hermit, Hugh the Great, Robert of Normandy, not to mention colourful Saracen names as well.